Coaching and Mental training for musicians
Annika Fredriksson
I offer support and the opportunity of development to musicians individually or in groups, tailored to your situation.
My method builds on an open, active collaboration where focus is put on your will to change.
Research shows that mental skills make up 50% of the foundation a musicians need to perform optimally. I mainly coach clients via Zoom, where I meet clients from all over the world. Welcome to book a free consultation to see how coaching can help you. Language: Swedish and English.
Since 2019 I have taught the course “Mental training for musicians” at Academy of Music in Malmö. In the spring of 2024 the course will be given under the name “Sustainable music making” as an independent course at Lunds University.
Coaching is aimed at those who wish to integrate self-reflection and techniques for dealing with stress in your music-making. Interdisciplinary methods and reflective perspectives combine to navigate the complexities of professional music making.
Individual coaching
Group Coaching
I use powerful, solution-focused questions, contemplative tasks and other tools to give you new comprehension and clarity.


Sustainable music making- Independent course at Lunds University
7.5 university credits. The course is aimed at those who wish to integrate self-reflection and techniques for dealing with stress in your music-making. Interdisciplinary methods and reflective perspectives combine to navigate the complexities of professional music...
Sustainable music making- Independent course at Lunds University
7.5 university credits. The course is aimed at those who wish to integrate self-reflection and techniques for dealing with stress in your music-making. Interdisciplinary methods and reflective perspectives combine to navigate the complexities of...
What would you achieve if you were able to reach your goals?
..and if you were able to reach your goals – who would you become?
Coaching can, if you are ready to take personal responsibility, help you to be more effective in your practicing, increase your motivation, remove mental blocks and inspire you to be the best version of yourself.
What would you achieve if you were able to reach your goals?
..and if you were able to reach your goals – who would you become?
Client testimonials:
“Very good experience and something that all music students should have the opportunity to take part in”
“I am satisfied that my way of thinking was challenged in both comfortable and uncomfortable ways”
Questions & Answers
How do I prepare for a session?
If we meet on Zoom, make sure to sit in an undisturbed place so we can hear each other well. Please be in good time so that you have time to relax before the call starts. Think about what is important to you right now? Take a few deep breaths and feel free to enter the conversation with a curious mind.
If we see each other at Malmö Live, we will meet at the ticket office at the agreed time.
How many sessions should I book?
If you have participated in one of my courses or have been coached by me before, you are welcome to book a single session. I recommend booking a package of three or five sessions to give yourself a chance to discover how coaching can help you. After that, we can make a plan about how many sessions you want.
Being coached is mostly about what insights you make and how you relate to them in your everyday life, i.e. that the change takes place between meetings and not just during the coaching session. Here, feedback is important to continue moving towards set goals.
How do I know if coaching can help me?
I offer a free 20-minute call where you can try coaching.
As a certified ICF coach, it is my duty to maintain the differences between coaching, consulting, psychotherapy and other supporting professions, and to refer clients on to other supporting professionals, when appropriate.
Is coaching included in the wellness allowance at workplaces?
The “Coaching” service can be classified as a “web-based training service”. You can therefore use your health care allowance for this. Of course, you must first check with your employer, but according to the Swedish Tax Agency’s rules, it is possible. If the total amount for the coaching is higher than your health care allowance, you can use your health care allowance for part of the coaching.

About Annika
-ICF Associate Certified Coach ACC.
-Licensed Mental Trainer, Unestål Education.
Annika is also principal bassoonist in the Malmö Symphony Orchestra and University Lecture of bassoon and chamber music at Malmö Academy of Music.
Since 2019, Annika has led the course “Mental Training for musicians” at Malmö Academy of Music. In the spring of 2024, the course will be given as a stand-alone course at Lunds University under the name “Sustainable music making”.