Client Testimonials
“I have become aware of how mental exercises can help me as a musician and which exercises works in which situation. I am happy about the openness, curiosity and sympathy from both teacher and students on the course and that we can take this course. 😊 I wish there had been room for individual struggles and that the course was longer.”
“From the course I got new tools and I think it will be very useful! I liked that we talked about many different things and also the meditation, which was the start of each session. Thank you for your commitment and kindness.”

“With the course I have started to think in a kinder way and i have become more aware of problems I thought were diffuse but which actually are clear. I am pleased with the open and free discussions and I have learned that I don´t have to have such harsh approach to my practice and myself. To be softer helps my growth much more.”
“I feel that I have found a calmness in my uncertainty. It doesn´t feel as scary to let things take time. I liked the balance of the course and I am satisfied that my way of thinking was challenged in both comfortable and uncomfortable ways.”
“I have started with new habits that may help me in the future to keep my mind clear. Relaxations techniques works for me and I liked the candle meditation. Thank you very much for the topic, the course is well structured and useful.”

“I have achieved more gratitude and better practicing. I am satisfied with the practical tips and tricks and that I now are more relaxed with the feeling I have more time. The course should be a subject in the education.”
“Through the Positive Journal I discovered that I do many good things and that I have many things to grateful for. The course opens our minds and I am particulary pleased that I learned methods how to stay focused when I play. I would take the course again.”
“The coaching collaboration was very effective, particularly with the confidence i gained during the session. I learned to be more relaxed and enjoy the situation, even under stress or anxiety. I gained an incredible experience working with Annika. I feel more focused on my goals and much more confident in myself as an artist.”
“I´ve learned that I can be patient, even when I have a lot of drive forward. I´ve been able to handle a stressful situation when I saw it from a new perspective. With coaching, I bring perspective taking, especially when I push myself-who am i really comparing myself to? I am very happy with the coaching!
“Through coaching I have come several layers deeper into understanding myself and I have learned to have confidence and can act according to my plan in stressful situations. During coaching I feel safe and the sessions push my personal development forward.”
“I have managed to break a negative cycle and come out stronger. Now I have more faith that I can move forward in my work with myself, both as a musician and as a person. I am especially pleased with the flexibility of beeing able to meet online.”

“I have felt save in the conversations with you. Your good guidance has made me open up to both laughter and deeper thoughts. Thank you!”
“I have become calmer and that is reflected in my practice. When I get stressed, I can catch myself more easily. For me it was better to to meet IRL than on zoom. I will continue to write to keep the process alive going forward.”
“I have become clearer with my goals and I try to see them in smaller parts instead of far away/ unattainable. This is a course that all musicians should take. An important part of being a musician is to feel good in the stress that the job can entail. Thanks for a great course.”
“The open discussions during the course have been insightful for me. I felt free and confident within the group, we had many precious moments together. Thank you so much!”
“It has been wonderful to feel more and more liberated through coaching and to have a more realistic and healthy perception of myself. I felt understood and confident in sharing what I have been through.”

“This has been the single most eye opening course I have taken. It has given me many tools to feel better, play better, keep focused and control my emotional self. I have also learned a lot about how my mind work. This is for sure one of the highlights of this year and my time in Malmö.”

“I have gained a new perspective on difficulties and tensions I have struggled with for a long time. I am pleased that the conversations had a greater depth than I imagined. Many thanks for your wise guidance in the conversations”
“Mental training is very important! I have many times experienced that it does not matter how many hours I practice scales and etudes or analyze structure and harmony if I am not present and know what my goal is with my practising. I wish i could take this course continuously during music education.”

“Great opportunity to learn more about yourself and how to improve playing without practicing the instrument. Also very useful knowledge outside music education.”

“I´m so grateful for the coaching during this difficult time in my life.
I reached my goal that was to be more focused and relaxed. Through coaching I have released tensions and now I feel more free practicing the violin and in general.”
“A big thing for me was in the various meditation exercises to dare to open the otherwise closed door to different future scenarios. I have become better at replace “must” for “want”, which has made me more productive but above all less anxious.”

“After this course I believe more in my self.”

“From you I have learned that I can not change other people, but I can change my own thoughts about them.”

“Annika´s ability to gather all the thoughts and threads was very helpful to me. Her open and warm personality must also be mentioned as a big plus!
My experience of being coached is very positive and instructive and especially towards the end, as an Aha experience. Many thanks!”
“The conversations with you have given me a lot of opportunity for reflection and, not least, valuable insights into thoughts and attitudes about how I see myself and most of my habits, especially those that are not at all useful for me. Our conversations have given me several new insights about what attitude I need to have instead, very valuable and I still carry several of the insights with me and have helped me with several important everyday situations. I have felt extremely respected and listened to, in a very open-minded way. You have given me space but at the same time captured what was important and challenged my way of thinking.”

“I feel good reflecting and looking at myself from different perspectives. I am particularly pleased with Annika’s interest and commitment. Thank you for great sessions! ”
“The course has helped me to find balance. I feel calmer as a person. Thank you very much!”

“I have learned how to work systematically towards what I want by breaking it down into smaller achievable steps. This course has helped me to feel good and grounded.”
“In the course you get to learn how we function mentally and get strategies to be able to influence it. Take responsibility and steer instead of going along. I have learned to access what I want within me in many more situations. Acceptance is my best weapon. Thanks!”

“I have learned that I can do more than I think I can. Also that the obsticles I have the most are mental obsticles, and I can work with them! Before it has felt impossible, but now I have collected a small mental toolbox to use. I would like to have more lessons like this next semester as well.”

” I have learned to accept myself even when I do not get as far as I want. I have gotten better at handling auditions.
Thank you for your help!”
“I really liked the atmosphere and the people in the group and it helped me open up. If I would tell someone about the course I would say that it is a good way of learning about yourself, your limits and how to exceed them. And I would definitely say that they would be more motivated than before the course.”

“I realized that a lot of things we talked about were already in my thoughts, but I needed further external encouragements and reminders to look inside me and take out what needed.”
“I have learned that I need to let go of things that are beyond my control. This in turn means that I relax more and can concentrate better. Thank you for holding the course during the autumn and for letting me join!”

“I have never been to anything like this and feel that everything I have received here is only positive”
“Exciting. Instructive. Useful for everyone.”

“I reached my goal. The atmosphere was open and comfortable. The best thing is that Annika is familiar with the situation of being a musician.”
“It has opened up new ways of thinking and dealing with different aspects of life.”

“The coaching has aroused interest in personal development.”

“Helps you build your inner motivation and understand yourself better. Useful and important in all areas of life.”

“Everything we have talked about and all the exercises we have done I will be able to use in the future. I also like the meditation moments.”
“Really nice course. The interaction between teatcher and participants was really exciting!”

“A course that teaches you to focus on good things and then helps you towards your goals”

“The possibility of sharing my thoughts and experiences was a relief and it helped to get rid of stress and doubts that I had. It was comforting to express my feelings towards someone who has experience in these affairs.”
“It was not quite what I expected from the beginning but gave something else that is even more important for my development.”
” Before, it was not so clear to myself that I did not respect my own musical work as a freelance singer/composer. I longed for that validation from the outside, but had skipped respecting it myself in the first place. I’ve learned to take it a bit more easy and to gradually approach my goals rather than trying to reach something that feels unattainable. I’ve also learned the importance of asking/getting help from others to move forward if I’m stuck myself. I also try to remember what we often talked about: “what difference would it have made to you?”. It has settled! Thank you Annika! It has been very educational to talk with you”

“As a musician I think it is important to have the opportunity to take a course like this. It was very fun to write a letter to myself, it will bear fruit next year when I recieve it back.”
“Mental training is super important. In the course we talk about difficulties we do not normally talk about and we work with these difficulties. This training should be taught at an early age.”
“I have improved my willpower when I feel non energetic or unmotivated and I have learned that i can do more than i think i can do. I am happy I felt safe and understood in each session. I could talk about everything, even what I have not been able to share with other people before. I am so glad to have had this amazing opportunity.”

“An inspiring course that will make you re-evaluate your relationship with your self and your instrument in a helathy way! Thank you Annika for the important work you do!”

“The best thing about the course has been all the discussions and being able to think and share. It then feels as if there are no wrong answers.”
“I feel that I became both relaxed in the muscles and in the thoughts of following the training program. It gives me an inner piece.”

I have learned that I am glad that me is me and there are a lot of values in me that I did not notice until now. Mental training should be introduced for every class, step by step. When I tell someone about the course I will say that it is a course where you can arrange your thoughts, where you can see that not only you are fighting with this kind of unconfidence”

“I really appreciate the opportunity of being part of this fantastic course. It should be a main course! Thanks very much Annika.”
“I think everyone needs tools to deal with their performance anxiety, which can be a lot of in this profession. The course is practical and concrete and provides access to different tools within mental training/ relaxation/ stress management. I have realized the importance of relaxation exercises for a situation where I get nervous. For me, that insight is very important.”

“Thanks for all the help, I really think it has been of great value to work with you and experience coaching! I already notice that it has given results both in everyday life and practice, it feels really nice to be able to play more relaxed and keep the focus up.”
“I needed mental training when I applied for the course even though I did not really know what it was. Now I have gained tools and insight into mental training that allows me to continue working with it myself.”

“To open up to feelings, thoughts and possibilities. Mindset- the best self.”
“The course will help you reach your goal!”

“Really good! Take the course! It gives you super motivation and tools to change your life for the better!”

“Annika understands, listens well and thinks outside the box. It has been a positive and empowering experience.”
“The course helped me find thought patterns that I was not aware of.”

“That makes you think your life from another perspective, it gives you new ideas”

“I have a clearer picture of what I want and what is preventing me achieving it.”
“You get tools to improve your performance and gain insight into how you function”

“The coaching made me question, realize and accept so many parts of me and also take me forward. I have been greatly helped by Annika´s support in all the challenges of life and my brain. She caught my values and always led me back to what is important to me in the conversation.”